How to Install Visual PinMAME
This page will show you step by step how to successfully install and run Visual PinMAME. This guide assumes you have very little computer experience and is suitable for most beginners. (Although the original guide was written to work with Version 1.0 Beta 1, the steps will be probably be very similar for future versions) |
Step #1: Create a directory that will hold the Visual PinMAME software |
The first thing you need to do is to decide where on your computer the software will reside. You can choose any location you prefer. As an example we will select C:\VPINMAME. If you do not know how to create a directory, you can follow the directions below, otherwise go to Step #2. From the "Start Menu", find Windows Explorer and click it.
Once Explorer opens, click on the left hand pane next to the icon that says "My Computer" You should see all of your hard drives listed on the right hand side. On the right hand side double click the icon that says "C:" drive.
You should now see the contents of your C: drive on the right hand side. With your mouse positioned somewhere in the right hand side, click & release the right mouse button once. This should open a menu which looks similar to the picture below. Find the word "NEW" on the list and position your mouse so that it is over this word. If you pause a second or two, a new menu will open up to the right. Find the word "Folder" on the list and click & release the left mouse button once when you have positioned the mouse over this word.
A Folder Icon will appear in the right hand side with the words "New Folder"
Notice how the letters are all highlighted in blue! This means that if you start typing, you can rename the entire words to whatever you type. So, let's type VPINMAME, and commit the change by hitting the "ENTER" key on your keyboard.
Step #2: Create a directory that will hold the PinMAME Sound Samples (Optional) |
Visual PinMAME uses Sound Sample files to simulate the mechanical sounds of pinball machines. These samples are optional, and are not required to make Visual PinMAME work. For a more authentic experience, however, it's recommended that you install them. If you prefer not to install them, skip to Step #3. The samples need their own special directory. You may choose any location you like, but for this example we will follow the default behavior and create the SAMPLES folder "underneath" our vpinmame directory. In other words, the directory will be located at: C:\VPINMAME\SAMPLES Use the same steps you did before to create this new folder. Make sure you click VpinMAME on the left hand side before creating the new folder on the right hand side. This tells the computer you want to create the new folder IN the VPINMAME folder.
Step #3: Create a directory that will hold the Pinball ROMS |
Visual PinMAME requires Pinball ROM files in order to work. To make organization simple, we create a special folder where all the roms will be stored. You may choose any location you like, but for this example we will follow the default behavior and create the ROM folder "underneath" our vpinmame directory. In other words, the directory will be located at: C:\VPINMAME\ROMS Use the same steps you did before to create this new folder. Make sure you click VpinMAME on the left hand side before creating the new folder on the right hand side. This tells the computer you want to create the new folder IN the VPINMAME folder.
Step #4: Download required files |
If you have not already done so, you will need to download the required files to use Visual PinMAME. If you've already downloaded these files, be sure to copy them into the correct locations (as mentioned below) and go to Step #5. There are only 2 sets of files you will need, and 1 optional set: Be sure to "save" the download for the Visual PinMAME Binary in your VPINMAME directory (C:\VPINMAME in our example).
Confirm that it looks like this in your windows explorer
Be sure to "save" the download for the PinMAME Samples in your VPINMAME Samples directory (C:\VPINMAME\SAMPLES in our example).
Confirm that it looks like this in your windows explorer
Be sure to "save" your ROMS in your ROMS directory (C:\VPINMAME\ROMS in our example). (NOTE: In THIS example, we have selected Williams Fish Tales Rev. L5,
Confirm that it looks like this in your windows explorer
*Important: a) Make sure you download Visual PinMAME, rather than the DOS or Win32 version (see picture below) b) Remember to read all legal restrictions and follow all laws regarding the download and use of pinball rom images.
Step #5: Unzip the Visual PinMAME files. |
In order to keep download times as fast as possible, the Visual PinMAME files are compressed into ".zip" files. To use them, you must "unzip" them using any program which supports the zip format. Refer to your program's specific instructions for more details. Shown here is the very popular Winzip program. Make sure to specify the VPINMAME folder as the directory to unzip the files.
When the files are unzipped properly, you will see them in the explorer window (which will look similar to the picture below)
Step #6: Run the Visual PinMAME Setup Program |
With the files properly unzipped, run the SETUP.EXE by double clicking it.
You should see the following (or something very similar):
Click the Install button, and follow the "on screen" prompts: (see example below)
This is especially important when upgrading to a newer version of Visual PinMAME!! If the version # matches the version you are trying to install, click "Yes" to proceed. The next few prompts applies to NEW Installations Only! If you are not installing Visual PinMAME for the very first time, click here for what should happen next. (Additionally, these exact prompts apply to Visual PinMAME 1.10 only! Newer versions may work slightly differently). Since this is the first time installing, you will first see the Visual PinMAME "About" screen. Click "OK" to close the "About Visual PinMAME" window, once you've read it.
You will now see a second prompt: Click "OK" to begin entering Visual PinMAME's default options (see picture below). You normally will only need to enter this one time, unless you wish to later change the values.
The following dialog will appear which allows you to specify where the many important directories will reside. Since we selected the default values for this example, you don't need to change anything and can click "OK" to continue.
Next, the default game options screen will appear. Here you can select how Visual PinMAME will default each game's options. Click "OK" once you've made your selections.
If the installation was successful, you should see a message similar to this one:
If you continue to have problems at this point, you can contact us or go to our forum at our website and ask for help. |
Step #7: Test Visual PinMAME to see if it installed correctly |
At this point you have finished installing Visual PinMAME. Now it's time to make sure everything works properly. Click on the Test button in the installation program. You will get a window looking like this:
Now select the Game you wish to run. In this example, we'll use Williams' Fish Tales Rev. L5. The game name is the same as the ROM name you downloaded, so in this case it's ft_l5.
Press the Start button now. If doing so, you will see the following prompt:
Clicking "OK" will bring up a screen which allows you to specify this game's specific options. Notice how it reads "Fish Tales" at the top of the window, rather than "Default Options" as it was earlier... Also notice that the options are defaulted to the same values you selected when setting up the "Default Game Options" earlier.
After pressing OK, you will see a legal warning regarding ROM usage. Answer the question accordingly! This message only appears the first time you play a game.
If you answered "Yes, I am" to the legal usage dialog then: The Visual PinMAME window will now appear if everything was done correctly! In many cases, especially for the newer model Williams/Bally games, the following message will appear the first time you run the game. This is normal. Simply close the Visual PinMAME window by pressing the "Stop" button, and start over again by clicking the "Start" button.
Congratulations! Visual PinMAME should be working perfectly at this point!
Important Note about Upgrading to Newer Versions! |
When you are upgrading to a newer version of Visual PinMAME, you must do the following to ensure a successful upgrade: